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Note: Due to substantial increases in postage rates and they way they're calculated, it has been necessary for us to raise our shipping charges.




Minimum order: $7.50.  U.S. customers add $5.00 per order , $9.00 foreign for shipping and handling. Payment by POSTAL money order or check, cash at your own risk.  Foreign orders in U.S. funds only and drawn on U.S. banks please. Credit cards thru PayPal are also accepted and, in fact, preferred.  While we try to ship within five days, please allow up to six weeks.  

When paying thru PayPal, please use the email address tennexican@mindspring.com

Make checks and POSTAL money orders payable to The Modeler's Weapons Shop and mail to:

The Modeler's Weapons Shop, 416 Chicago, Ft. Worth, Texas 76103, U.S.A.



If ordering the Model Math Guide only, shipping and handling is $3.00 per copy, making the total amount $6.99 per copy.  Contact us for a reduced shipping charge if ordering multiple copies.



If ordering the B-36 or P-38 discs only, shipping and handling is $5.00 per copy, making the total amount $24.99 per copy. Contact us for a reduced shipping charge if ordering multiple copies.


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Copyright 2001-2008 by The Modeler's Weapons Shop.  All rights reserved.  No part of this website may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except for brief quotations used in critical reviews or articles.  For information, address publisher: The Modeler's Weapons Shop, 416 Chicago, Ft. Worth, Texas 76103, (817)536-0128.   E-Mail: tennexican@mindspring.com